We have one available female in this litter!
Our beautiful mini merle Bernedoodle, Willow and Sir Winston Churchill, our Moyan Poodle had four gorgeous F1B Mini Bernedoodle puppies born on July 13, 2024 . There are three girls and one boy! This is a beautiful litter which will have wonderful, playful personalities. These puppies will be ready to go home at 8 weeks of age. They will grow to be around 30 lb.
These Bernedoodle puppies will be vet checked, dewormed and have their first shots. They will be treated with Revolution (covers fleas, ticks and heartworm). They will be micro-chipped and will be sold with a 2 year written health guarantee against genetic illnesses.
These Bernedoodle puppies will be well socialized with children and other dogs. A Bernedoodle is a very loyal, intelligent and playful dog with a wonderful temperament. They are great companion/therapy dogs and thrive on being around people. They are low to non-shedding and some inherit the hypoallergenic characteristics of the Poodle.
If you are interested in adopting a Bernedoodle puppy, please fill out our application or contact us. We require a $300 deposit that is nonrefundable but transferrable to another litter of our Bernedoodle puppies.